Overall Look

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This rally presented a “landscapes no one has ever seen” theme and the finding of new routes for it took over a year. The weather during the rally itself was extremely good however the heavy downpours in Hanggai just before the rally caused a huge rise in water levels in valleys and gullies leading to cancellation of the SS for Etap 5. Driving along paved roads in good weather was in one sense a fresh experience. The cancellation notice given the night before the SS allowed taking action such as moving up tire changing times. Anyway, the new trials and experiences encountered along the entire course were a huge success. The new course changes this year allowed us to enter areas that were difficult to include in the route up to now. During the drive, by the time we started thinking, “Okay, let’s go meet some moose and reindeer” and “back to dinosaur valley” the ZoonMod plan was already taking effect! The next rally may likely take a route in the form of a big circle joining the northernmost and southernmost areas. That feeling of “we’re going to find something we never saw before” is likely to continue. Finally, both the participants and rally officials felt the same thing, namely that the route this year helped us enjoy the real beauty our planet has to offer!



General Result

Group Standings



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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 














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ETAP-8 14 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



S:246.08km L:81.87km P:25.87km TOTAL:353.82km
L:260.28km P:25.87km TOTAL:286.15km【SM_class】


 We are now in the final stage of our long battle. Last year on this day the Hino Team had to retire and you can guess that today will bring a lot of trouble. Teruhito Sugawara and the Hino Ranger racing truck who didn’t arrive from the Silk Way Rally from Russia in time for this year’s Rally Mongolia, came in today in a show of support. A low morning fog rolls over the sand dunes creating a unique almost mystical scene.

All vehicles rush toward the dunes in a headlong attack.

Finally they reach their goal which is the afternoon victory parade in Ulan Bator (Ulaanbaatar). The KTM450 Rally bikes rank 1, 2, 3, 4 at the goal standing. Many cars however have had to retire but the Yoshimasa Sugawara/Yoko Wakayashi team in their Yamaha YXZ1000R held on to win their place on the victory stand. They are the only Japanese to participate in the champagne fight at the conclusion of this rally. The curtain finally closes quietly on this battle held over the Mongolian grasslands and all come for tonight’s closing ceremony.


 「Sunday—the day of our victorious return」

The rally SS starts from the bivouac. The cars take off and enter the dunes. After getting through the dunes they proceed along the riverside. The dunes and river and grass plain all overlap into an astounding visual frame. This splendid spectacle is very likely something you will only get to see in Mongolia. We make constant CAP adjustments during the drive and cross over pistes. We pass over a number of small smooth green hills and cross a bridge. There before us is the old main piste. The old main piste somehow has a sad desolate look to it because of the paved road built there. We gradually veer away from alongside the old main piste and the course reveals continual smoothly sloping beautiful green mountains. After passing over a number of mountains we see a small town right before our eyes. That is the SS finish point. We drive along the paved road to the regroupment point. There the SM class will join along with us for parade to the goal.






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ETAP-8 14 AUG. 2016

This page is information on events held in the past.

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



S:246.08km L:81.87km P:25.87km TOTAL:353.82km
L:260.28km P:25.87km TOTAL:286.15km【SM_class】


 長い戦いも最後のステージ。昨年はこの日に首位を走るHINOがリタイアした日。波乱が予見できる。シルクウェイから到着が遅れラリーに間に合わなかった菅原照仁とHINOレンジャーレーシングカミオンも応援に訪れた。砂丘には低い朝霧が流れて特別に神秘的な風景。そこに向かって全車アタックを開始。そして、午後にはウランバートルにパレードでゴールした。KTM450Rallyが1.2.3,4でゴール。AUTOは多くのリタイアを生み、菅原義正、若林洋子組YAMAHA YXZ1000Rが耐えに耐えて表彰台をゲットした。今大会シャンパンファイトに参加できた唯一の日本人となった。こうして静かに大草原の戦いは幕を下ろし、今夜の閉会式を迎えるに至った。



SMクラスはラリーのスタートを見学した後、舗装路でリグループメントのポイントまで移動。ラリーはビバークからSSがスタートする。スタートし、デューンに入る。デューンを抜けた後、川沿いに進む。デューンと川と草原がワンフレームに納まる、そんな素晴らしい光景はモンゴルだけでしか見られないのではないだろうか?何度かのCAP走行でピストを乗り換えて進む。穏やかな緑の丘を幾つか越え、橋を渡る。そこは古のメインピスト。舗装路が出来て寂れた様子が感じられる。その古いメインピストを脇に逸れると緩やかな緑の美しい山が続く。幾つかの山を越えると眼下に小さな町が見え、そこがSS FINISH。舗装路でリグループメントポイントに進む。そこからはSMクラスも一緒にゴールまでパレード。






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ETAP-7 13 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:51.92km S:182.13km L:25.11km S:244.00km L:26.92km TOTAL:530.08km
L:51.92km S:182.13km L:26.45km TOTAL:260.50km【SM_class】


Now at Etap7 the final round of the rally has arrived, we travel along a landscape that seems like something out of a dream. The opening moves of this rally involved really rugged terrain and harsh driving and now the accumulated wear and fatigue on the machines has suddenly reached a crisis stage that is starting to strike hard on the rally competitors. A lot of them have already, retired from the race, I wonder how many machines will actually finish?

Yoshimasa Sugawara fought bravely in his Yamaha buggy and stayed in the race dueling with tough rivals while others in the auto class retired. He eventually won third place on the trophy stand. Also, Teruhito Sugawara in his Hino Ranger, from Russia kept on going to add an extra boost to this final day. Tomorrow we will finally see the grand finale!


 「The final stage where you can’t even relax for a second!」

Leaving the bivouac we drive along the paved road. After refueling, the rally cars start out on SS-1 from the side of the paved road. Crossing the river, we travel along an even more beautiful grass plain. After passing through an area with a lot of bumps, we come upon a concrete bridge. Crossing the bridge we see a large beautiful lake. After driving along the lake’s levee, we cross a mountain and large prairie. There are a lot of branch roads and piste crossings but after proceeding along a piste with good driving conditions we reach the town. Passing the main town boulevard, we turn at a corner where some shops stand and drive along another good piste. A paved road suddenly appears far off in the grass plain and we finally finish the SS-1.

We proceed along a paved road, and refuel at a gasoline stand at a 3-way road junction. After refueling at the gasoline stand, the rally cars turn around and proceed onwards. Starting out in SS-2 the rally cars proceed along the river side with a sand dune visible on their left. After crossing the river several times, we enter an area of low hills and a large grassy plain. Passing through two small towns we proceed to the CP. We then drive intently across the grassy plain. We drive over a number of gently sloping mountains. The valleys between the mountains are also beautiful with gentle slopes.
We then pass over several mountains and see the SS finish point right before our eyes. Only one SS still remains before completing the rally.Results





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ETAP-7 13 AUG. 2016

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:51.92km S:182.13km L:25.11km S:244.00km L:26.92km TOTAL:530.08km
L:51.92km S:182.13km L:26.45km TOTAL:260.50km【SM_class】







舗装路で進み、三叉路のGSで給油。SMクラスはそのままビバークへ。ラリーはGSで給油後、引き返し先に進む。SS-2は左手に砂丘を見ながら川沿いに進む。何度か川を渡った後、低山と大草原のエリアを進む。2つの小さな町を抜け、進むとCP。その後は、草原をひたすら進む。山を幾つか越えるがなだらかな山々。山の谷間も緩やかで美しい。その後、いくつかの山を越えれば目の前にSS FINISH。ラリーは残すところあと1つのSSのみとなった。







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ETAP-6 12 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:31.20km S:109.03km L:96.24km S:207.58km L:8.82km TOTAL:452.87km
L:31.20km S:109.03km L:51.06km TOTAL:191.29km【SM_class】


ETAP 6 The rally is in its final period and at long last the scene shifts to southern Siberia where after a 10 year hiatus the course runs from Tsetserleg further north where a whole new spectacle opens up before one’s eyes. Here there are two SS and undulations start to appear on the grasslands in the first SS with the route suddenly taking on a new face. However the perfect weather continues and these are ideal riding conditions. Boldbaatar is running in the lead and aiming for a chance to break free from the fierce pursuit of Battur Baatar in second place. There are only two ETAP and three SS remaining until the grand finish of this long rally. Hideyuki Fukuoka, a Japanese participant in the motorcycle class (Honda) put up a great fight but can’t seem to overcome the severe effects from an error in the first half of the rally and jump ahead in the standings. Well, tomorrow will prove the final highlight of the rally and will also be a completely new route. The tiny differences in the race standings and fierce class competition will bring rally fever to a climax!



「South of Siberia, the northern part of the grassy plain looks just like Northern Europe」

Driving a short way from the bivouac, we reach the start of SS-1.The piste was substantial but we had to proceed along a river-side road with many crevices, dry riverbeds, streams, and lots of harsh bumpy terrain. After going around the town and traveling further along and passing through a small village, we crossed a river and came upon a tree-lined road of conifers (needle-leaved trees). The scenery beyond it revealed an entire field completely covered by flowers. After running along the riverside on a route that reminds one of flower fields in the Northern Europe, we completed the short SS after about a 100 kilometer drive to the town. From here the liason is a paved road.
After refueling, the rally cars proceed farther down the paved road. Next after running along a lush green area along the river, SS-2 starts. Passing through a number of gently rolling hills we proceed into another area of even more lush greenery. We make a turn just before the town and run along an elevated levee of a beautiful lake and cross over an irrigation canal for farms. We then enter a mountain with thickly growing conifer trees. The ancient rising road is rough-looking as if denying entry to those who enter it. After about 1.5 kilometers we come upon the peak of a mountain pass. At a gap in the woods we are greeted by a magnificent spectacle in a forest of fir trees. It seems as if the giant ‘Ovoos’ or in other words, sacred Mongolian domes are trying to welcome us there. Below the pass we make a gentle circle in what proves to be a beautiful spectacle. Passing over the large, gently sloping mountain of greenery, we drive on a piste along a river bordering thickly growing trees. We complete the SS at point where the town is now visible. Driving along the paved road we cross a river and reach the bivouac.








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ETAP-6 12 AUG. 2016

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L:31.20km S:109.03km L:96.24km S:207.58km L:8.82km TOTAL:452.87km
L:31.20km S:109.03km L:51.06km TOTAL:191.29km【SM_class】


長かったラリーもグランドフイニッシュまであと2ETAP 3SSを残すのみとなった。日本人参加者は、Moto部門では、福岡秀行HONDAが一人気を吐いているが前半のミスが響き大きくジャンプアップができない。






ラリーは給油の後、更に舗装路を進む。川沿いの緑が濃いエリアからSS-2がスタート。幾つかの緩やかな山を超えて、更に緑が濃いエリアへと進む。町の手前でターンし、美しい湖の畔を走り、農園への用水路を渡る。そして、針葉樹が生い茂る山に入る。古い登り道は、来るものを拒むように荒れている。1.5km程登れば峠のピーク。モミの木の森が開けて素晴らしい光景。巨大なオボーが歓迎してくれているようだ。峠の下りは一転、緩やか。なんとも美しい光景。大きく緩やかな緑の山を超え、木々が生い茂る川沿いのピストを進む。町が見えたところでSS FINISH。舗装路で川を渡るとビバークだ。







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ETAP-5 11 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:10.94km S:271.13km L:56.15km TOTAL:338.40km
L:10.94km S:271.31km L:56.15km TOTAL:338.40km【SM_class】


In spite of the superb weather over these last two days, the yet unseen landscapes and experiences of ETAP 5 which were to be the highlight of this rally will not happen. The heavy concentrated rain from several days ago raised the water level so high that it made the river crossing impossible. Though officials waited as long as they could for a drop in water levels, it just didn’t happen and the river crossing had to be cancelled. This was really a heartbreaking turn of events.

The rally continues across the exhilarating Mongolian plains over a single paved road to Xaraxorin over a distance of 425 kilometers with six hours allowed to complete the liason. Tomorrow will prove the full-on competition for the final part of this rally.



「Climbing straight up Sugawara Pass,  shooting through the ultramarine blue sky」

Today was truly one of the highlights of the rally. Crossing a bridge a little ways from town and going down a road along the river leads to the start of the next SS. You have to stay cool and calm even after driving across streams, marshy areas, dried riverbeds, and rough and bumpy roads and finding that your average time is still too high. Passing through a valley town, we climb a mountain beyond a monument of children riding a cow. We keep climbing directly to the top of the Sugawara Pass reaching a peak some 2900 meters above sea level. After that we keep descending, make our way through a technical route, and reach the CP at a point after the CP where the route has transformed into a high speed piste. After that the navigation gets difficult. We cross a river, and after making a CAP adjustment, pass through a valley, keep going further and finally finish the SS. We refuel and head along a slightly long paved liason towards the bivouac.



※ ETAP-5の競技はキャンセルされました。




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ETAP-5 11 AUG. 2016

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:10.94km S:271.13km L:56.15km TOTAL:338.40km
L:10.94km S:271.31km L:56.15km TOTAL:338.40km【SM_class】






「Climbing straight up Sugawara Pass,  shooting through the ultramarine blue sky」

Today was truly one of the highlights of the rally. Crossing a bridge a little ways from town and going down a road along the river leads to the start of the next SS. You have to stay cool and calm even after driving across streams, marshy areas, dried riverbeds, and rough and bumpy roads and finding that your average time is still too high. Passing through a valley town, we climb a mountain beyond a monument of children riding a cow. We keep climbing directly to the top of the Sugawara Pass reaching a peak some 2900 meters above sea level. After that we keep descending, make our way through a technical route, and reach the CP at a point after the CP where the route has transformed into a high speed piste. After that the navigation gets difficult. We cross a river, and after making a CAP adjustment, pass through a valley, keep going further and finally finish the SS. We refuel and head along a slightly long paved liason towards the bivouac.



※ ETAP-5の競技はキャンセルされました。




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ETAP-4 10 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:2.42km S:283.87km L:7.13km TOTAL:293.42km
Rest DAY【SM_class】 


Here we are in the middle part of the rally which is No-GPS day. Today is Etap 4 and also set as a loop course that returns to the start point. Moreover, there is only one SS and at only half the distance this will be a short trip. We are aiming for a mysterious lake appearing in the Gobi Desert. Driver No. 105, running among the overall top 3 in the auto division has come to a complete stop here in his Land Rover. The repair is going to take a long time and he will fall way behind in the rankings. We make good progress. This is a high-speed piste with easy cruising and no special problems appear. However use of GPS is prohibited in this stage where we use only the classic route book and compass and this is somehow strongly inspiring to us all.  



 「The tale of the mysterious lake-adding spice to the legend of the Rally Mongolia」

Today we are going to two lakes. Navigating there was difficult in the past on a route where would you believe it a Prius won this stage! But this time we passed through it with no problems. Even still we got onto an extremely complicated piste where our average time got steadily longer and longer. We rolled steadily onwards across the great plains and finally reached our CP at a point where the lake in question could be seen. Here we made a huge CAP adjustment and headed towards town again on the high speed piste. After passing through a marshy area, we entered into a region with continuous tight turns and repeated peaks and sandy regions. Though only a loop course it was still a scary day for us.






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ETAP-4 10 AUG. 2016

This page is information on events held in the past.

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:2.42km S:283.87km L:7.13km TOTAL:293.42km


ラリーの中ごろに、No-GPS Dayという設定がある。それが今回はEtap4だ。それでもスタート地点に帰ってくるループの設定でもあり、しかもSS1本のみなので、ちょうどハーフディスタンスのショートトリップだ。目指すはゴビに浮かぶ不思議な湖。ここでAUTO部門のトップ、総合3位を走るゼッケン105のランドローバーがストップ。修理に相当な時間を要し大きく後退。そのほかは順調に消化。ハイスピードでご機嫌なルートで、そのほかに大きな波乱は見られなかった。ただしGPSの使用を禁じられたクラシカルなルートブックとコンパスだけのステージは、思いのほか強いインプレッションを与えたようだ。












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ETAP-3 9 AUG. 2016 (EN)

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DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



S:177.71km L:33.06km S:258.54km L:17.89km TOTAL:487.20km
S:177.71km L:199.31km TOTAL:377.02km【SM_class】


Today the season seems to have moved on somewhat with the heat waves from yesterday ending and a high-pressure zone from Siberia starting to appear. The SS1 start point is prepared at a river crossing and the rally vehicles one by one took up the challenge of getting across the river while watched by rally officials as well as French and Italian tourists. One accident happened where Higashi’s rally bike was washed away but almost all drivers made it across safely and headed west. In the opening part of SS2, rally rider Maekawa was injured in a crash and competitor Shinohara also crashed in the latter half. Both of them had X-rays taken, got medical treatment, and had to leave the rally.
Rider Ouchida had electrical trouble causing him to stop along the route and lose a lot of time but finally got back in competition. After the CP (check point) competitors next encountered a piste along a high cliff and a route with difficult navigation but finally all competitors reached the goal. Tonight’s accommodations are a hotel. The mountain road from ETAP5 onward has a high amount of rainfall so that route is scheduled to be checked.



「Heading to the western region along the road through the valley」

SS-1 starts right from the bivouac. Moreover we also cross a river that lies right beyond the start gate so most of the gallery watchers in the bivouac area no doubt gave us a thunderous burst of applause when they saw us. Finally we find ourselves running through the mountains and if we can just get through an area where navigation is a little difficult we will reach the high-speed piste. The short SS-1 ends just before a paved road. The SM class heads toward Bayanhongor from there via this paved road.
The SS-2 cars then head south on the high-speed piste, we make a CAP (compass heading) change at the town there and get back on the highway.
The piste on the left end that we took gradually separates from the highway and we eventually reach a small village. The left route enters the mountains from here. We leave the valley but the cliffs are high around here. We move ahead very slowly and cautiously. After passing through a number of valleys we emerge into an area where the grounds widens into a surface covered by volcanic rock. These are jagged, pointy rocks so we drive along carefully spending a lot of time to pass through the area without getting flat tires. After leaving the volcanic rock area, we realize we are more than 2,000 meters above sea level. We finish the SS and refuel at a gas station along the paved road and then head along this paved liason to the bivouac.





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ETAP-3 9 AUG. 2016

This page is information on events held in the past.

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



S:177.71km L:33.06km S:258.54km L:17.89km TOTAL:487.20km
S:177.71km L:199.31km TOTAL:377.02km【SM_class】






SS-1はビバークからスタートだ。しかもスタートゲートの先は川渡りで、ビバークの多くのギャラリーにやんやの喝采を受けるに違いない。やがて山の中を 走り、少しナビゲーションが難しいエリアを抜けさえすればハイスピードピストに乗れる。短めのSS-1は舗装路の手前で終了。SMクラスは、ここから舗装 路でバヤンホンゴルに向かう。
SS-2はハイスピードピストで南へ、そして町でCAPチェンジし、ハイウェイ。左端のピストが次第に別れていき、小さな集落に辿り着く。ルートはここか ら山に入っていく。谷を抜けるが崖が高い。最徐行で注意して進む。幾つもの谷を抜けると火山岩が一面に広がる。尖った岩でのパンクに注意して走りにくいエ リアを時間かけて進む。火山岩エリアを抜けると、標高は2000mを超えていたことに気づかされる。SSをFINISHし舗装路のGSで給油。ビバークへ 舗装リエゾンで向かう。







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ETAP-2 8 AUG. 2016 (EN)

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:24.38km S:192.99km L:6.90km S:274.32km L:18.07km  TOTAL:516.66km
L:24.38km S:267.42km L:18.07km  TOTAL:309.87km 【SM_class】



Today all rally cars start out together in a run aiming for the South Gobi desert and then make a return loop to Sayhan Ovoo in what amounts to a hard, high-speed piste stage made up of two SS. From the group start point the course runs in a straight line some 50 kilometers long. A helicopter appears overhead, the start flag drops and the scene widens into giant clouds of dust that seem like a huge cavalry battle from the days of Genghis Khan.

The top position is taken up by riders No.1 and 2 on their KTM 450 Rally bikes who give an overwhelming performance. One wonders who among these two bikes will be the winner? The Onoue team on the Jimny does not appear to have recovered today from their first day of navigating trouble but might become a formidable challenger from tomorrow onwards. The three BMWGS motorcycle team from Korea retired from today but pledged to stage a comeback next year.



「The lost holy grounds of the lama」

We spend two nights here in this valley camp. The other side of this valley once had a town long ago where people lived together along with some 1,500 monks. Now it has been abandoned and traces of that past life still remain in the historical ruins there. Walking around and taking a look there is a real experience. The scene there while lit by the light of the setting sun sets a special tone that moves one’s heart. In the days of the former Soviet Union the monasteries of the lama were severely persecuted and almost all of them were abandoned. Today will prove the highlight of the first half of the rally. All the rally cars start out simultaneously and we keep driving intently in the great plains to the south. Today’s course is an extremely high speed route. A town just visible at the end of the prairie is the rally CP. The SM class separates from the rally course at this check point (CP). The rally route again passes close to town and we then pass through valleys joined by trees that are quite rare in the Gobi, we will finally arrive at a town in the southern Gobi desert. The SS-1 will end at this town. After refueling, SS-2 starts from alongside a small airfield. The Gobi highway scenery gets more beautiful and lusher the further north we go. We reach the SS-2 goal set up just before the town there. At the liason (untimed section of route) we cross a river and refuel after passing through town.






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ETAP-2 8 AUG. 2016

This page is information on events held in the past.

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:24.38km S:192.99km L:6.90km S:274.32km L:18.07km  TOTAL:516.66km
L:24.38km S:267.42km L:18.07km  TOTAL:309.87km 【SM_class】















Latestnews  [JP]  [EN] |  Entrylist  [JP]  [EN] |  Routeinfromation  [JP]  [EN] |  Routedistination  [JP]  [EN] |  Outline  [JP]  [EN] | 

ETAP-1 7 AUG. 2016 (EN)

This page is information on events held in the past.

DAY REPORT LINK: ET8  [JP]  [EN] |  ET7  [JP]  [EN] |  ET6  [JP]  [EN] |  ET5  [JP]  [EN] |  ET4  [JP]  [EN] |  ET3  [JP]  [EN] |  ET2  [JP]  [EN] |  ET1  [JP]  [EN] | 



L:49.91km S:287.02km L:6.35km S:226.17km L:17.56km TOTAL:587.01km
L:290.06km S:226.17km L:17.56km TOTAL:533.79km 【SM_class】


The rally cars start from Ulan Bator (Ulaanbaatar) and then move swiftly south along SS1, while enjoying the 287.02 kilometers of boundless, undulating grass prairies. The top position is taken up by Mongolian riders on KTM 450 Rally bikes giving a powerful performance and after a short liason the SS2 of 226.17 kilometers continues to Sayhan Ovoo rimmed by historical ruins. This first day is a long stage of what one could say is a typical Rally Mongolia condition where reaching the goal is a continuous struggle from late at night until morning. The 3 riders from Korea on BMW R1200GS bikes come in quite late. Many other competitors are delayed due to the tough navigation. Among these, many Japanese rally participants including the Onoue-Horii team who made critical errors ran into big delays. Lkhamaa-Serdamba (medal winner in boxing at the London Olympics) running at a dizzying pace in the lead group ran into multiple course errors and machine trouble that forced them to leave the race early.


「Going to meet the grassland elves (fairies)」

The start of the SS or special stages of the 2016 Rally Mongolia is set right at the point where the grasslands start to spread out south along the horizon from Ulaanbaatar. This city also known as Ulaanbaatar has experienced amazingly rapid growth over these last 20 years. The grasslands ripple in waves of lush color, and once we really start running its beauty and lushness give a small cry of welcome you can feel deep inside. Heading further south we reach our SS-1 goal and then make a big course change to the west starting out on SS-2. The grasslands now become really mixed with sand as we proceed to the area called the Gobi. The sun is strong and fierce throwing light to the left of the direction we are heading and then forming deep shadows on our right. If we don’t hurry we will have to battle the glare of the setting sun! We next cross a number of dry riverbeds and reach our goal in a small village in the middle of a parched region.






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This page is information on events held in the past.



FA-coat Rally Mongolia 2016 (English)

Landscape like nothing anyone has ever seen!

The 2016 landscape has taken on an ever deeper feel of adventure. Last year’s route proved a full and rich experience due to changes made in the course format. Influenced by these changes, the rally organization has started to pioneer a whole new route.

On the reverse route through Sugawara Pass for example, the road to the mountain ridge is blocked by snow through July so an additional trial run right before the rally is being considered. Then try driving north from the ridgeline or namely make a vertical run up mountain peaks higher than 3 kilometers.

The sky is a deep ultramarine blue that make one think of outer space. It’s not simply something about a high elevation; the height at these latitudes creates an entirely different type of sky color. Another gambit is searching for lakes found at these elevations. This is in the planning stage and it might actually become a reality. It was decided to in this way, search for a landscape no one has ever seen before and offer a look at another world viewable as something almost seen through the mind’s eye. Though this is in fact a rally, the natural presence found here transcends the rally itself

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